Public Performances
Viva Dance School performances in the Great Hall at Washington Union Station.
View the full video here.
Seasons performed by Philadanco! at William H. Gray III 30th Street Station, Philadelphia.
Performances by choirs from the University of Pennsylvania; Penn Glee Club, Penn EnChord, and The Inspiration, for the opening of Adam Crawford’s Euphonic and Chromatic Drift.
Jakob and Imani by Jakob Vitali and Imani Gaudin, artists in residence at Baryshnikov Arts. Performed at Bella Abzug Park, NYC.
Holoscenes by Lars Jan with Times Square Arts.
Strange Fruit, Grace Building, NYC.
Zion by Mohau Modisakeng with Times Square Arts and Performa 17 Biennial.
Theater for One, multiple Brookfield properties throughout NYC.